
The horse, a revealer of being and mirror of emotions
Each equine-assisted session helps your mind open up to new horizons through privileged contact with one or more horses. A friendly atmosphere invites participants to relax, facilitating their engagement and allowing their defenses to come down. The coach alternates activities outdoors and in a dedicated space. They safely guide participants in their interaction with the horse. No riding experience is necessary, as the exercises take place on the ground. Working with horses is accessible to everyone and ensures safety.
Terre & Mer

A transformative experience between lans and sea
We've put together an exceptional package for you and your colleagues. Surround yourself in lush natural surroundings and pay close attention to how you feel. Learn to go back to basics, to your senses and intuition, to realise your full potential.
It's possible to have wonderful adventures 'on your own', but in the company of others the experience is more enriching and enjoyable...
First of all, you need to know how to communicate coherently and authentically in order to generate the confidence and support needed to accomplish extraordinary adventures.

Developing soft skills and theatrical techniques
From Louis XV to Jean Moulin to the present day, the Domaine de Biar has passed through prestigious hands and some of the greatest names in French history have lived here. But a kind of curse seems to strike the superb 'folie'. They're all coming back, and they seem to be up and about! Who among you has provoked the collective ire, what are their demands and how can they be met? The walls have ears but they don't speak. A bit like Bernardo, so imagine Don Diego or Donna Elvire of Montpellier to solve the enigma and awaken the heroine or hero in you.